Acquisitions #0176-1175-1_3 Transcript
The full transcript for Acquisitions #0176-1175-1_3 is as follows. For more information visit the Archivist-in-Residence update post on the subject.
Acquisition #0186-1175-1
Acquisition #0186-1175-2
Acquisition #0186-1175-3
My dear boy,
You left in such a hurry, as if frightened. At first I had worried I had offended you in some way. Perhaps our recent conversations did not fill you with the deep sense of connection as they did me. Your letter comforted me as much as it has confounded. I am delighted to hear you are safe as I am sure you would appreciate similar notice from myself. I hope you are settling well in your new accommodations and have found rest that seemingly eludes you.
I worry for you, my boy. We are merely a decade removed from the traitorous rebellion of the south and you have moved yourself closer to them. A shy boy like you would be torn apart by such vile hatred without the need for a single finger lifted by the opposition. I must implore you to find friendship beyond those you research with, as you will undoubtedly force yourself to drown in your work as a result. It is rare to find a relationship with peers like yours that delve beyond the superficialities of work and productivity.
Do not succumb to your hermetic tendencies nor occultish frivolities. While I find such stories of the esoteric and the strange as fascinating as you do, I also know when to moderate. I am certain this is the reason for your recent episode. You simply read some terrible thing and scared yourself half to death on your way home. Perhaps a gaslight had merely backlit a rosebush while you were stumbling the streets and you heard the cacophony of a distant public house ending its services for the night.
Regardless, I am happy to hear you are safe, I am happy to hear you are getting settled, and I am happy to hear you are finding things to occupy yourself with until you find more friends, even if they are silly ghost stories.
I have enclosed a photograph, and I must request a photograph of yourself in return, something I may cherish our golden hours passed together. You have a beautiful nature made to love all beautiful things, and I hope we shall see each other soon. Please keep this close.
Never forget what William of Ockham taught us; Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. If you find yourself adrift, swing the compass and make your way back to port.
Your affectionate friend,