I still do not know exactly what they are, but I do know they are a part of me as I am a part of them. 

They are unnerving, I know.

They once terrified me.

They still do.

They contain multitudes.

I apologize. The terrifying thing is coming closer and they always have a way of causing me confusion. I know they do not mean it, it is in their nature. They are many things. They are a singular thing. 

They contain multitudes. I believe we are far enough away from the Society that I may give you some more direct answers to what is going on.

Perhaps I was indeed the first to see them as they truly are. Perhaps something about who and what I was allowed them to form into something less esoteric and more physical.

Perhaps they have always been here. Perhaps they are closer than you think.

How amusing. I have not considered Whitman and his contradictions in many years.

The audacity of a man who “admired” a certain Irish playwright and his body would also say such horrible things about the Natives of this land. Multitudes indeed.

This monster, this creature, this pink abomination…they are emblematic of the parts of me I could not express when I was living. They have been around for much longer than I have, yet it appears they did not make themselves known until the turn of the 19th century.